Support Vector Regression (ML_R_4)

This function can be used for solving both linear and non-linear problems.

It is based on the concept of support vectors, which are the data points that are closest to the decision boundary, or the line that separates the data into different classes. SVR algorithm aims to find the best line that maximizes the margin between the support vectors and the decision boundary, this line is known as the support vector.

This function aims to find the best line that maximizes the margin between the support vectors and the decision boundary, this line is known as the support vector. It can also be used with kernel functions to find the best decision boundary in non-linear regression problems.

It is a powerful algorithm that is able to handle high dimensional and non-linear data, making it suitable for various regression problems.

Sample Request

Build a multiple linear regression model named, "SimpleModel"

    "project_id": 1,
    "parent_id": 7,
    "block_id": 8,
    "function_code": "ML_R_4",
    "args": {
        "model_name": "SimpleModel",
        "kernel": "rbf"

Building a Support Vector Regression model

Support Vector Regression


Request Body

    "status": "true",
    "message": {
        "id": 8,
        "project": 1,
        "block_id": 8,
        "parent_id": 7,
        "dataset_url": "",
        "x_value_url": "",
        "y_value_url": "",
        "x_train_url": "",
        "y_train_url": "",
        "x_test_url": "",
        "y_test_url": "",
        "output": "{\"SimpleModel\": {\"function_code\": \"ML_R_3\", \"model_url\": ""}}"
// Some code

Sample Request

Make predictions with the pre-built model passing an optional test data.

    "project_id": 1,
    "parent_id": 8,
    "block_id": 9,
    "function_code": "ML_R_4_P",
    "args": {
        "model_name": "SimpleModel",
        "test_data": ""

Predicting with Support Vector Regression

Support Vector Regression Predict


Request Body

    "status": "true",
    "message": {
        "id": 9,
        "project": 1,
        "block_id": 9,
        "parent_id": 8,
        "dataset_url": "",
        "x_value_url": "",
        "y_value_url": "",
        "x_train_url": "",
        "y_train_url": "",
        "x_test_url": "",
        "y_test_url": "",
        "output": "{\"y_pred_url\": ""}"
// Some code

Last updated