Time Stepper (DP_7)
This functionality enables you to transform your data into a time series format.
A time series is a series of data points collected or recorded at regular time intervals. By transforming your data into a time series format, you can easily analyze trends and patterns over time, which can be useful for forecasting future values or making informed decisions.
The process of transforming data into a time series is simple, you just need to specify the time column and we automatically convert the data into a time series format.
Sample Request
This request steps the data per 60 entries and replaces existing data in the Y variable.
Time Stepper
Step data into time series
Step data per entries or replace existing data in the Y variable.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
project_id* | int | current project ID |
parent_id* | int | parent block ID |
block_id* | int | current block ID |
function_code* | String | block's function code |
lookback* | int | determines how many past time steps the model should consider when making predictions. It influences the length of the input sequence used to predict the next value |
args | object | block arguments |
index* | int | column index to apply time stepping function |
lookforward | int | defines how many future time steps the model should predict ahead. It indicates the distance into the future the model aims to forecast. Defaults to 1 |
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