Parse Datetime (DP_PDT)

In data analysis and various applications, datetime information is a crucial component. To leverage this information effectively, we rely on the process of datetime data parsing.

DateTime data parsing involves extracting meaningful details from datetime values and converting them into formats that computers can understand. This process includes breaking down datetime strings into individual components such as year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

By parsing datetime data, we enable our systems to recognize and use chronological patterns. For example, in financial analysis, parsing datetime information allows us to identify trading hours, weekdays, or specific times of the day.

The parsed datetime data can then be employed to align different datasets, create time-based features, and enable sophisticated chronological analyses. Whether it's for predicting trends, analyzing patterns, or understanding user interactions, datetime data parsing empowers us to unlock valuable insights embedded within time-related data.

Sample Request

    "project_id": 1,
    "parent_id": 5,
    "block_id": 6,
    "function_code": "DP_PDT",
    "args": {
        "index": 0,
        "drop": true

Request Parameters

Parse Datetime


Request Body

    "status": "true",
    "message": {
        "id": 3,
        "project": 1,
        "block_id": 7,
        "parent_id": 6,
        "dataset_url": "",
        "x_value_url": "",
        "y_value_url": ""
// Some code

Last updated